The Ultimate Guide
How Many Solar Panels Do I Need To Go Off-Grid in My Caravan or Motorhome

The Ultimate Guide – How Many Solar Panels Do I Need To Go Off-Grid in My Caravan or Motorhome

Determining the number of solar panels needed to go off-grid in your caravan or motorhome is a crucial step in embracing a sustainable and off-grid lifestyle. The process involves understanding your power consumption, considering your available roof space, and choosing the right type of solar panels. In this guide, we break down the steps to help you navigate this decision effectively.

  1. Assessing Your Power Consumption

The cornerstone of a successful solar setup and the number of solar panels needed is understanding your motorhome’s daily power consumption. Each appliance has specific wattage requirements for both starting and running. Follow these steps to calculate your needs:

  1. Identify the wattage requirements of your appliances by checking labels or using the provided table of typical household appliances.
  2. Convert volts/amps to watts using the formula: Volts (V) x Amps (A) = Watts (W).
  3. Total the running watts of your appliances, ensuring it doesn’t exceed your generator’s running watts rating.
  4. Factor in the starting wattage of the appliance with the highest requirement to determine your total starting watts.
  5. Solar Panel Output Rating

Understanding the power rating of your caravan or motorhome solar panels is crucial for estimating daily energy production. If, for example, you have a 400-watt solar panel with a daily exposure of 7 hours of peak sunlight, each panel can generate 2,800 watts per day. Adjust this based on environmental factors, like overcast days, to get a more realistic estimate.

If your daily energy consumption is 5,000 watts, you’ll need at least two 400W solar panels to meet your motorhome’s needs.

  1. Choosing the Right Solar Panels

Consider the available space available on your caravan or motorhome for solar panels, your budget, and efficiency when selecting solar panels:

Opt for the most efficient panels, like monocrystalline, when space is limited.

Polycrystalline panels offer a cost-effective alternative with slightly lower efficiency.

Thin film flexible caravan solar panels are versatile but have a shorter lifespan and lower efficiency.

Where possible use the highest possible rated solar panel

  1. Staying Within Your Budget

Living on the road in your motorhome or caravan doesn’t eliminate expenses, so staying within your budget is essential. Consider solutions for caravan off-grid systems, understanding that the initial investment can lead to long-term savings on campsite fees and increased energy independence.

  1. Assessing Available Roof/Exterior Space For Your Caravan Solar Panels

While caravans and motorhomes have average exterior square meterage of about 11 M2, not all of it is available for solar panels. Devices like satellite dishes and impact can impact available space significantly. Before purchasing panels, create an installation plan, considering available space and required panel efficiency.

  1. Level Of Expertise To Install Your RV Solar Panels

Installing an off-grid solar system to your caravan or motorhome requires a certain level of skills.  If you want to be certain that your system will function properly and maximise its performance, then consider a specialist caravan/motorhome installer like Oz Caravan World. With over 30 years of experience, you will benefit from their knowledge in acquiring the right equipment to meet your needs and your installation will ensure you get the best performance from your equipment. 


A successful caravan/motorhome solar panel setup involves a comprehensive understanding of your energy needs, solar panel capabilities, and practical considerations like space and budget. By carefully assessing these factors, you can embark on your journeys with a reliable and sustainable power source.

See the assistance of a professional caravan solar panel system provider to ensure you choose the right off-grid system for your caravan that will maximise performance and your budget.


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